Water: Your Key to Healthy, Glowing Skin
Water is essential for life and maintaining proper health, but did you know it’s also critical for great-looking skin? There are differing opinions on how much to drink, but doctors agree that proper hydration is essential to keep the body and skin functioning optimally.
There are a lot of benefits of proper hydration, including radiant glowing skin. WebMD states that when you drink three cups of water per day you lose weight because you are replacing calories with water. Your body will reduce levels of saturated fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol when you drink proper amounts of water. Body fluids are maintained and muscles are energized. Water helps your kidneys and bowel process waste effectively.
How drinking enough water helps your skin
Nobody wants their skin to appear dull and wrinkly, and water can help prevent that. When you do not hydrate properly your skin is more likely to crack, allowing for foreign elements to enter and cause blemishes and irritations. With a healthy amount of water daily your skin will be thicker and more elastic. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles. (womenshealthmag.com)
Drinking water also helps reduce acne. Your skin needs to maintain a proper balance between oil and water. When you aren't drinking enough water, you can have an oil overload on your face, causing acne. It's not enough to binge for a week and then return to drinking reduced amounts. Your skin needs a steady daily flow of water.
What kind of water to drink
Not all water is made the same. If the water is deemed safe in your area, you should still use a filter, either through your refrigerator or on the sink. Bottled water can also be better for you. Adding lemon adds flavor and according to some, helps with acne. You can also get good hydration from healthy sparkling water, teas, and high-quality smoothies.
No matter what type of potable water you choose to ingest, you need to maintain a daily regimen of drinking at least three to eight glasses per day. Your whole body will thank you and your skin will look much better.
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